Crystal Clear
- Suitable forfor 2500 litres of water
- Activecomponentsaluminium chloride hydroxide sulphate 75 ml / 250 ml, iron trichloride 5 ml / 250 ml, hydrochloric acid 0.25 ml / 250 ml.
- Suitable forfor 5000 litres of water
- Activecomponentsaluminium chloride hydroxide sulphate 75 ml / 250 ml, iron trichloride 5 ml / 250 ml, hydrochloric acid 0.25 ml / 250 ml.
- Suitable forfor 10.000 litres of water
- Activecomponentsaluminium chloride hydroxide sulphate 75 ml / 250 ml, iron trichloride 5 ml / 250 ml, hydrochloric acid 0.25 ml / 250 ml.
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Use Crystal Clear to make your pond water crystal Clear again, quickly and easily.
Turbid water occurs in ponds of which the natural balance is not optimum. Often newly sunk ponds are involved, however, also existing ponds may be involved. Crystal Clear makes turbid water in these ponds limpid. Its activity is based on a completely harmless reaction, which makes any form of turbidity in the water coagulate. This coagulation will partly deposit on the bottom and will partly keep floating. In order to obtain a good result it is important that this dirt will be skimmed off.
Remember, however, that Crystal Clear will take away the turbidity of the water but not the cause of the problem. As soon as the water will be limpid you should apply enough oxygen producing plants (like hornwort, waterweed and pond weed). These plants will keep the water limpid also in the long run. Very useful in this respect are also floating plants (like frog bit and Azolla).