de-icer disc and aerator for the pond

Ice Preventer & Aerator Disc

Ice Preventer & Aerator Disc

Ice Preventer & Aerator Disc
Ice Preventer & Aerator Disc
Ice Preventer & Aerator Disc
Ice Preventer & Aerator Disc
Ice Preventer & Aerator Disc
Ice Preventer & Aerator Disc
Ice Preventer & Aerator Disc
Ice Preventer & Aerator Disc
  • Suitable forwith pump
  • Colourblack
  • Hose10 m
3 years of warranty
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Help your fish to get through the seasons healthy and safe

Oxygen-rich water is a must for a healthy pond and healthy fish. To keep a part of the pond ice-free in the winter and well aerated in the summer, a floating disc with a stream of bubbles underneath is the most effective solution. The stream of bubbles produces a constant flow of water past the floater so that the surface of the water is kept ice-free.

Winter: Fish often die when garden ponds freeze over. Especially in small and shallow ponds, suffocation is a major threat when ponds freeze. Aeration provides oxygen but it also stops the pond freezing over completely.

Summer: Oxygen shortages are not uncommon when the water temperature rises. Fish coming to the surface to gasp for air are a sign that there is not enough oxygen in the water. Aerating the water brings relief.

This pump is supplied with a floating disc, 10 meter air hose, an aeration stone and a spare membrane.

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