universal filter wool with a large filter capacity

Pond Filter Wool green

Pond Filter Wool green

  • ColourGroen
  • ColourGroen
  • ColourGroen
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Filter nylon wool with fine structure for the removal of fine particles in the pond filter

The green wool are made of first quality elastic nylon fibres. Its water permeability is very large. Filtration of pond water can be achieved both by mechanical and biological means. The activity of mechanical filtration is based on removal of organic and inorganic dirt particles. The principle of biological filtration is to achieve better and quicker conversion of organic components by means of micro-organisms. This filter wool guarantee excellent water filtration.

Tip: the wool can be rinsed often. The activity of filter wool will decrease after one season. The best thing you can do is to replace them in spring.

Combine the filter wool with active filter carbon, zeolite and/or filter foam for optimal filtration of the garden pond. 

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