
Trichodina is a single-celled flagellate which frequently parasitizes pond fish, like koi and goldfish. Trichodina is a protozoa which is subdivided in three categories: Celiates, Flagellates and Sporozoa. It is a plate form parasite with ciliums enabling it to move. This parasite can only be observed with a (good) microscope. On average its size is 50 µm (=0.05 mm). About the same size as a human hair.
Its propagation occurs by fission. This may proceed very quickly under optimum conditions. They proliferate at a temperature ranging between 4°C and 30°C. This means that we can find this parasite throughout the year. Trichodina can be retraced on the body and on the gills of fish. Consequently these fish have difficulty in breathing. Additional aeration is therefore recommended.

Treatment of Trichodina

Single-celled parasites can be fought well, provided that treatment starts in an early stage. If not, the fighting will last far longer and takes more time. Treatment with a proper means against parasites will do. To prevent infection with Trichodina, it is important to feed fish during the summer months on quality feed, containing all important nutrients, vitamins and minerals to a large extent. A fish will have sufficient resistance than in the winter months and in spring to resist the trichodina parasite. Another cause may be bad quality of water, or perhaps a surplus of fish in the pond. Rue of thumb for the number of fish in a pond is maximum 50 cm of fish length per 1,000 litres of water. A properly functioning filter, equipped with activated carbon brings relief, because this carbon can purify water from all kinds of micro dust particles. Also various pathogenic organisms are filtered out with it.

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