Pond shapes
What pond shape and style do you eventually choose? Do you want a tight and rectangular pond shape? A round pond? Or rather a playful, naturally shaped pond? It is a question of taste. Besides, for most ponds the shape is not of importance. Except for a koi pond. Then the shape is very important indeed. The water in a koi pond should stream to the effect that the waste goes to the skimmer(s) or bottom drain(s).
The most common types are:
The shape of the pond often depends on the available room in the garden and on the environment where the pond is installed. In a small garden often a small pond is made, so that still some room is left to maintain the pond. In a large garden such a small pond does not come out well and a large pond will be a better alternative.
Also the choice of the building materials partially determines the shape of the pond. For example, if you opt for pond foil, in principle you can make any shape. In that case you should reckon, however, with the pleats, which retain much dirt and consequently influence the quality of the water. If you want a square or rectangular pond, you may also opt for a preformed pond or a pond basin.
When choosing the shape of your pond you should reckon with the flow direction in the pond. It is advisable that a certain circulation is possible. If not, dirt may accumulate in the ‘dead’ areas, which will finally influences the water quality of the entire pond.