Cost of construction a pond
The cost of pond construction depends on different factors. The type of pond, materials used, techniques applied and the plants and fish kept as well as the pond size, all these factors are playing a role.
Cost and kinds of ponds
There are different kinds of ponds, each of them have their own price tag. Swimming ponds, for example, are often expensive: they are large, need a helophyte filter and require quite some maintenance. For fish ponds the cost especially include technique and fish. A koi carp may easily cost hundreds of Euros and requires relatively high maintenance. A natural pond which has a proper biological equilibrium hardly requires any filters, pumps or maintenance.
Cost and material
Also the material from which a pond is made has a considerable share in the cost. The materials which are most occurring include pond liner and preformed pond basins. Large ponds are often made from loam, concrete or clay.
Cost of pond liner
Pond liner may be composed of three different materials: PVC, HDPE and EPDM. These materials do not only differ in purchasing price, also their lifetime is different: PVC for example will last about 15 years, whereas HPDE and EPDM are stronger and will last longer (EPDM up to thirty years). PVC is therefore is cheaper than HPDE and EPDM, however, it should be replaced sooner and thus it still involves additional cost. Besides, liner is available to a width of six metres. So if your pond is larger, the liner has to be glued or welded. This involves additional cost.
Cost of preformed pond basins
Preformed pond basins are made from HPDE or polyester, strengthened by glass fibre. These basins are more expensive than pond liner. However, they can be reused or replaced. Besides, you can place them rather easily.
Cost of loam, concrete or clay
Large natural ponds can be made from loam, concrete or clay. This is a time-consuming and labour-intensive job. Constructing a large pond from these materials is done by specialist companies. This makes them quite a lot more expensive compared to the other options.
Cost of technique in ponds
One of the largest cost items of your pond is the technique which can be put in a pond. The prices of filters and pumps vary strongly. The truth is that, if you keep the purchasing coast of the technique low, the electricity consumption will raise the price. This holds good especially for koi ponds, where a proper technique cannot be dispensed with. The use of timers for fountains and lighting can help you saving cost (and environment).
Cost of maintenance of ponds
If you maintain your pond well, this may contribute to a considerable saving in costs for a longer period of time. If a pond has its natural equilibrium (as a result of due maintenance), an expensive pump or water purification equipment will not always be necessary. You can maintain your pond for example by inspecting your pond plants regularly, cleaning filters, removing bottom sludge and by preventing frost damage. If you do not have enough time to do this, you should reckon with the cost you have to pay for example for pumps and purification equipment.
The overall costs of constructing a pond consequently depend on quite a number of different factors and thus they differ for everyone. Of course the price will also depend for a great on the size you want. A small pond is not only cheaper when purchasing, however, it also involves less cost in the field of construction, technique and maintenance. Please bear in mind that a small pond of up to about 1000 litres will easily cost 180 GBP or 300 US$. A large pond holding koi for example will easily cost some tens of thousands of GPB or US$.