SaniKoi® koifeed

You naturally want the best for your koi. Only the best feed is good enough. With SaniKoi you are assured of absolute top quality. Feed with a rich composition and unique extras because all SaniKoi food products contain SaniComplex, which includes chicory ingredients that are extremely beneficial for the digestion and the well-being of the koi. They also contain SaniBooster, a vitamin complex that enormously enhances the immune system of your fish.


SaniKoi All Season Wheat Germs

SaniKoi All Season Wheat Germs

SaniKoi Colour Hi-Grow Mix

SaniKoi Colour Hi-Grow Mix

SaniKoi Excellent All-Round

SaniKoi Excellent All-Round

SaniKoi Staple

SaniKoi Staple Prime

SaniKoi Winter Wheat Food

SaniKoi Winter Wheat Food

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