A mini-pond is a small portable decorative pond basin. Mini-ponds are suitable for the smallest gardens, terraces and balconies. If you dispose of somewhat more space, put several mini-ponds side by side. In different colours, for example. This creates an pleasant atmosphere. Otherwise, spread them over various places in your garden and on your terrace or even indoors. In this way such a mini-pond will integrate your garden and living room.
A small water garden is calming, beautiful to see and also safe for children. Mini-ponds, plant dishes or small ponds of, for example, 1 m x 1m, for indoors or in your garden, are available nowadays ready-to-use. Without large investment in money, time and trouble you can make quite simply a beautiful mini-pond basin yourself.
Water plants in a mini-pond
However mini your is, most types of water plants are suitable. However, you should opt for variants that remain small. You may choose a very colourful pond with blooming plants. However, a pond with just green floating plants is of course very beautiful too. Make sure that not more than 1/3 of the water surface is covered with plants. Then there will be still enough light and oxygen in the pond.
If it is getting colder outside and most pond plants have finished flowering, you put the mini-pond inside. Of course you can put a beautiful indoor plant or an artificial plant in it. As soon as the sun will show up again in spring, you transform it again into a beautiful mini-pond!
Maintenance mini-pond
Regularly add water to mini-ponds, for especially in summer water may evaporate quickly. Pond plants you keep under control by cutting them back and thinning them out regularly. In this way they will continue to grow well, which benefits water quality. Use a special bottom substrate to obtain long term clear water and healthy plants. Prevent forming of algae and keep little plants healthy with help of a means to improve water.
In early spring you should subject the mini-pond to a big cleaning. You have to empty it totally, you wash all substrate, dispose the bottom of organic waste material and refill it with clean water.
In autumn you repeat the same procedure, however , then you can also opt for placing the mini-pond inside, if possible, so that you can experience the water sensation also inside.