Wildlife pond or natural pond
In a wildlife pond nature is in charge. The number of plants is rich and the water attracts many animals, such as frogs, salamanders and insects. In a wildlife pond no pump, filter, chemical means and – in ideal conditions – also no liner is used. A proper number and variety of (oxygen) plants affords a high level oxygen content in the water, securing it from algae.
A natural or wildlife pond looks like one that you find in a park or wood, naturally planted and with much animal life. Owing to its rich number of plants a natural pond will be absorbed in the rest of a garden. Its side changes over to water and the shallow zones have been planted with marsh and littoral plants. The form of a natural pond is irregular. As a result of this all kinds of natural growing places for water plants will form and shelters for small animals.
Laying wildlife pond
To lay a wildlife pond you should choose a light area, so that plants can grow well. A place partly in the sun would be all right too. If you also want to keep fish in your natural pond, that pond should be at least 32 inch deep. Plant a sufficient number of oxygen plants in the deep area. They can easily be planted, for example with a plant basket, complete with plant substrate. Plant the sides as well as shallow water with beautiful, long term flowering littoral and marsh plants. The natural pond will be flowering along with the sides. An overgrowing mat is ideal. Littoral plants will find a footing in it, also in case of a steep pond wall. The mat can be simple hung on the wall. You can place marsh plants also in floating and variable plant islands, ideal in areas where a pond is too deep.
A pump disturbs water life. If you still want a waterfall or a stream, please take care that the pump is situated close to the waterfall, so that the water needs not to be pumped from the whole pond. Introduce fish to the pond only if the water is clear. Golden orfes are the ‘cleanest’ fish, whereas carps plough the whole pond.
Maintenance of a natural pond
A pond exclusively with water plants, without any fish is most maintenance-friendly. It will only be necessary then to cut back respectively thin out any surplus of plants. No filter system and other devices are used. The more so because an ultimate biological equilibrium is aimed at.
The best cleaning time is late summer, end August – early September. At that moment the pond can still recover properly before winter. Also animals, such as frogs and salamanders will be disturbed as little as possible in their life cycle.